enervate|enervated|enervates|enervating in English


[en·er·vate || 'enɜːveɪt]

weaken, make weak, deprive of mental or physical vigo

Use "enervate|enervated|enervates|enervating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enervate|enervated|enervates|enervating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enervate|enervated|enervates|enervating", or refer to the context using the word "enervate|enervated|enervates|enervating" in the English Dictionary.

1. Adventist admittees admitters advertent advertise amnestied Anteverts antimeres attendees attenders averments deaneries dementias denervate derivates detainees detainers determent determine detersive detriment diameters dreamiest edentates emendates enervated enervates entreated entremets estaminet estimated estivated estreated eternised

2. Idleness enervates the will to succeed.

3. 2 She was enervated from dissipation.

4. To sap the strength or energy of; enervate.

5. 17 David felt too enervated to resist.

6. 3 synonyms for Asthenic: debilitated, enervated, adynamic

7. Life was hard and enervating.

8. I find this heat very enervating.

9. A hot climate enervates people who are not used to it.

10. Change for change's sake is stupid and enervating.

11. 30 The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.

12. After the operation she had been enervating for several hours.

13. Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than a good words!

14. Synonyms for half-Arsed include lackadaisical, limp, languid, languorous, listless, enervated, idle, indifferent, lazy and lethargic

15. The folds of her scarlet silk gown gave off the enervating smell of poppies.

16. First, though, whose kitchen table am I propped against with such enervating thoughts?

17. Feeling at once enervated and threatened, the enterprise collectively hunkers into a defensive, self-protective posture. Sentencedict.com

18. Well, those rezonings were exhausting and enervating and important, but rezoning was never my mission.

19. Soft living will enervate the leaders, and those under their command will be changed into beasts.

20. The downside: The city is still unaffordable for many, and the less-pricey suburbs can impose enervating commutes.

21. Those were miserable, enervating months — all of which I spent stuck inside my mother's house.

22. The air of the place, so fresh in the spring and early summer,[Sentencedict] was stagnant and enervating now.

23. Bessie was the kind of girl that could enhance your performance as easily as she could enervate it.

24. Frenchmen, O my countrymen, Let not your enemies, with their desolating doctrines, degrade your souls, and enervate your virtues!

25. Her expression, restless and dissatisfied, her attitude, weary and enervated, gave the idea of the title Admirably, and I made a good sketch.